Monday 9 July 2012

iPhone 5 To Have Samsung Exynos 4 Based Quad Core Processor

iPhone 5 Mockup
Another exciting rumor for Apple iPhone fans. This time, it’s not about concepts, redesigned case, or a larger display. This time its about the processor that the next generation iPhone might be equipped with.

Android smartphones like Galaxy S III and HTC One X feature quad-core processor and to compete with such smartphones, Apple would likely also use something powerful (read: quad-core processor).

iPhone’s biggest competitor is the Samsung’s flagship phone, which is Galaxy S III, powered by a quad-core processor. This smartphone has already received extremely positive reviews on the web.

A new rumor by a not-so reputed source, claims that Apple’s next generation iPhone can be powered by a similar processor as the S III. This rumor comes from DigiTimes and therefore it should be read with caution.

According to their sources in the industry, Apple is expected to release its next-generation iPhone built on Samsung’s Exynos 4 quad-core processor. Apple might name the new processor ‘A6 processor.’

If this news turns out to be true, then this would be the first time that the iPhone would be powered with a better processor when compared to iPad. In fact, this would be the most powerful processor to date. Of course we can also expect Apple’s marketing team to use the term “This new iPhone is xx times faster than iPhone 4S”.
This year’s third generation of iPad comes with A5X processor, which is a slightly updated processor compared to previous generation processors. If the rumors are true, then Apple won’t be using A5X in the next gen iPhone.

DigiTimes also points out that HTC, Samsung, LG and China-based Meizu each have quad-core smartphones on the market.

One thing is for sure; quad-core smartphone’s are becoming more common these days, and it definitely makes sense for Apple to update their flagship phone with one.


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